June 20 - 26, 2021 Webinars
."Press Conferences: DIs in the Spotlight" by Lisa Burckhardt and Nic Zapko
Monday, June, 21, 4:00 - 6:00pm MDT (3:00 pm PDT, 4:00 pm MDT, 5:00 pm CDT, 6:00 pm EDT)
Using Deaf interpreters during press conferences is increasingly recognized as best practice by the Deaf ad interpreting communities. DIs are uniquely capable of presenting information in the most accessible format to the widest Deaf audience possible, especially during emergency situations. The COVID-19 pandemic has heightened the need for accessible emergency information with Deaf people successfully suing for the interpreted access to press conferences in areas where not provided. Two experienced and high profile interpreters will share their experiences interpreting televised press conferences. Effective strategies for press conference teaming including preparing, cueing, managing information flow, and message delivery will be shared.
Monday, June, 21, 4:00 - 6:00pm MDT (3:00 pm PDT, 4:00 pm MDT, 5:00 pm CDT, 6:00 pm EDT)
Using Deaf interpreters during press conferences is increasingly recognized as best practice by the Deaf ad interpreting communities. DIs are uniquely capable of presenting information in the most accessible format to the widest Deaf audience possible, especially during emergency situations. The COVID-19 pandemic has heightened the need for accessible emergency information with Deaf people successfully suing for the interpreted access to press conferences in areas where not provided. Two experienced and high profile interpreters will share their experiences interpreting televised press conferences. Effective strategies for press conference teaming including preparing, cueing, managing information flow, and message delivery will be shared.
Lisa Burckhardt CDI
Interpreting experience: Lisa has been interpreting since 1997. Bio: Lisa is currently working as Director of Continuing Education and Professional Development with Sorenson Communications. Lisa woks with heart in interpreting and teaching fields! She enjoys working in the medical, legal, and platform settings. Favorite quote: "Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you." Oprah Winfrey |
Nic Zapko
Interpreting experience: Nic has been Deaf interpreting since 2007 Bio: Nic has passion for her work whether it's as a mentor, actor, presenter, board member, or collaborator Favorite quote: "Live every day as if it were your last" |
Preparing for the SI DI Screening by Faith Powell
Monday, June 21rd, 2:00 - 3:30 pm MDT (1:00 pm PDT, 2:00 pm MDT, 3:00 pm CDT, 4:00 pm EDT)
Monday, June 21rd, 2:00 - 3:30 pm MDT (1:00 pm PDT, 2:00 pm MDT, 3:00 pm CDT, 4:00 pm EDT)
Part 1: "Develop Your Self Care Plan" by Jaclyn Tyrcha
Part 2: "Anticipating Tough Jobs" by Christine Multa Kraft
Tuesday, June 22nd, 3:00 - 5:00 pm MDT (2:00 pm PDT, 3:00 pm MDT, 4:00 pm CDT, 5:00 pm EDT)
Part 1: All of us experience times where we are off-balance, overstressed, or overwhelmed while interpreting and in our personal lives. If we are not careful, we may go days, weeks, or longer without realizing we are out of balance. Plus in the midst of a stressful period in our lives, we may not have the capacity to think about ways we can exercise self-care, be gentle with ourselves, or what it will take to get back into balance again. Having an individualized plan in place will help us notice the telltale signs of being overly stressed, or out of balance and identifies ways to make it through difficult times and get back to feeling like our "old self" again.
Part 2: This workshop looks at various ways interpreters can proactively manage possible emotional contagion that can stick after challenging jobs. Savvy self-care results in effectively mitigating or managing possible emotional residue. Through personal awareness and regular internal check-ins, interpreters can recognize trigger events and symptoms of lingering trauma. We will explore factors that can cause negative feelings to linger. We will learn about and practice specific techniques with which to manage emotional demands with the goal of maintaining optimal performance. Strategies will be shared to help cope with feelings that still linger as these are essential options for recovery and rejuvenation.
Part 2: "Anticipating Tough Jobs" by Christine Multa Kraft
Tuesday, June 22nd, 3:00 - 5:00 pm MDT (2:00 pm PDT, 3:00 pm MDT, 4:00 pm CDT, 5:00 pm EDT)
Part 1: All of us experience times where we are off-balance, overstressed, or overwhelmed while interpreting and in our personal lives. If we are not careful, we may go days, weeks, or longer without realizing we are out of balance. Plus in the midst of a stressful period in our lives, we may not have the capacity to think about ways we can exercise self-care, be gentle with ourselves, or what it will take to get back into balance again. Having an individualized plan in place will help us notice the telltale signs of being overly stressed, or out of balance and identifies ways to make it through difficult times and get back to feeling like our "old self" again.
Part 2: This workshop looks at various ways interpreters can proactively manage possible emotional contagion that can stick after challenging jobs. Savvy self-care results in effectively mitigating or managing possible emotional residue. Through personal awareness and regular internal check-ins, interpreters can recognize trigger events and symptoms of lingering trauma. We will explore factors that can cause negative feelings to linger. We will learn about and practice specific techniques with which to manage emotional demands with the goal of maintaining optimal performance. Strategies will be shared to help cope with feelings that still linger as these are essential options for recovery and rejuvenation.
Jaclyn Tyrcha
Interpreting experience: Jaclyn has been interpreting since 2016 and is currently the director of interpreting for the Denver and Fort Collins centers. Bio: Jaclyn believes in education, mentoring, new ideas and perspectives. She is passionate about believing in the power of self-awareness and self-care. Favorite quote: "Once you stop learning, you start dying.” -Einstein |
Christina Multa-Kraft MA, CDI, ASLTA-Professional
Interpreting experience: ASL and interpreting have been her passion for over 25 years. CDI since 2010 Bio: Christine's research interest include conversational dynamics, language acquisition,a dn linguistics; she is always testing out ways to support better ASL learning. Christine lives near Indianapolis and has a continuing series of family adventures with her husband Roger and their four Coda offspring. Favorite quote: "Only where love and need are one, and the work is play for mortal stakes, is the deed every really done." |
"Interpreting for DeafBlind Consumers 101" by Kevin Richmond
Wednesday, June 23rd, 4:00pm - 7:00 pm MDT (3:00pm PDT, 4:00pm MDT, 5:00pm CDT, 6:00pm EDT)
Introduction to working with DeafBlind consumers from a long time DeafBlind consumer of interpreting services who is also a DeafBlind interpreter. Best practices in supporting DeafBlind consumers are evolving. Kevin will share what's happening in the field plus DeafBlind culture specifics and key terms interpreters need to know to be best able to work with DeafBlind consumers. Insights will be shared on how best to accommodate different DeafBlind needs. Guided practice will be given in how to avoid using the sighted lens while interpreting for and communicating with with DeafBlind consumers.
Wednesday, June 23rd, 4:00pm - 7:00 pm MDT (3:00pm PDT, 4:00pm MDT, 5:00pm CDT, 6:00pm EDT)
Introduction to working with DeafBlind consumers from a long time DeafBlind consumer of interpreting services who is also a DeafBlind interpreter. Best practices in supporting DeafBlind consumers are evolving. Kevin will share what's happening in the field plus DeafBlind culture specifics and key terms interpreters need to know to be best able to work with DeafBlind consumers. Insights will be shared on how best to accommodate different DeafBlind needs. Guided practice will be given in how to avoid using the sighted lens while interpreting for and communicating with with DeafBlind consumers.
Kevin is DeafBlind and has his own business, "American Sign Language and DeafBlind Consulting Services." He has given many presentations and trainings for the hospital and educational institutions about DeafBlind experiences and how to work with Deaf/Hard of Hearing/DeafBlind patients. Kevin also used to be a full-time lecturer at The University of Vermont in the ASL Program.
"SI community by DI Panel" Host by Denise Allen and Facilitator by Jessie Adner
Thursday, June 24th, 2:00pm- 3:00pm MDT (1:00 pm PDT, 2:00 pm MDT, 3:00 pm CDT, 4:00pm EDT)
Thursday, June 24th, 2:00pm- 3:00pm MDT (1:00 pm PDT, 2:00 pm MDT, 3:00 pm CDT, 4:00pm EDT)
"Cognitive Processing for the Deaf Interpreter" by co-presenters: Swanhilda Lily and Teresa Edwards
Thursday, June 24th, 3:00pm- 6:00pm MDT (2:00 pm PDT, 3:00 pm MDT, 4:00 pm CDT, 5:00pm EDT)
This workshop explores cognitive processes that interpreters utilize on the job and offers participants the opportunity to assess their own abilities in listening, memory, chunking, and visualization. Cognitive processing models will be examined with a discussion on how working in a Deaf-hearing interpreter team adds to the process. Through discussion and hands-on activities, participants will identify strategies to improve the cognitive functions vital to the interpreting process and gain experience in discussing processing specifics within a team.
Thursday, June 24th, 3:00pm- 6:00pm MDT (2:00 pm PDT, 3:00 pm MDT, 4:00 pm CDT, 5:00pm EDT)
This workshop explores cognitive processes that interpreters utilize on the job and offers participants the opportunity to assess their own abilities in listening, memory, chunking, and visualization. Cognitive processing models will be examined with a discussion on how working in a Deaf-hearing interpreter team adds to the process. Through discussion and hands-on activities, participants will identify strategies to improve the cognitive functions vital to the interpreting process and gain experience in discussing processing specifics within a team.
Swanhilda Lily, MA, DI, Legal Qualified
Interpreting experience: Swanhilda has been interpreting since 2008, with court interpreting experience since 2015. Bio: Swanhilda received her BA in ASL and Masters in Sign Language Education. While getting the education, this has lead to various jobs in the areas of research, interpreting, developing, teaching, and presenting. Since then, she has been involved in teaching, training, sign-language education, an ASL advocacy Favorite quote: "Whatever you focus on expands" by Pam Grout |
Teresa Edwards BA RID: CI/CT
Interpreting experience: Teresa has been interpreting since 1995 Bio: Teresa loves all things education and all things interpreting! Favorite quote: "Do what you love and love what you do." |